Soal & Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP Semester Gasal 2020/2021

Soal & Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris IX SMP 2020/2021 - Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) atau Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Kurikulum 2013 terdiri dari dua jenis soal yaitu Pilihan Ganda dan Uraian. Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP untuk Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 ini bisa digunakan oleh Peserta Didik sebagai bahan tambahan untuk belajar yang sudah lengkap dengan jawaban.

Selain Peserta Didik, Guru juga dapat memanfaatkan contoh soal ini sebagai referensi dalam menyusun Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. 

A. Pilihan Ganda (Berikan tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar!)

The following dialogue is for question no. 1 to 4.

Verdy : Hi Dika, I’ve got good news.
Dika : What is it?
Verdy : I won the English speech contest in Semarang last week.
Dika : Are you serious? Oh my God, I can’t believe it.
Verdy : Of course, I am.
Dika : I heard it was a competitive contest.
Verdy : Yes, it was. My rivals were very good and confident. Their English was awesome.
Dika : Great, congratulation. You have no idea how happy I am for you.
Verdy : Thanks, I appreciate that.
Dika : I believe that you are the best as always.
Verdy : How nice of you to say that. Now, let’s have lunch on my treat.
Dika : With great pleasure, dear.

1. What is discussed in the convsersation?
a. Good news.
b. English speech
c. Someone’s treat 
d. Winning a contest

2. How does Dika feel knowing the good news?
a. Frustrated
b. Surprised
c. Delighted
d. Bored

3. I heard it was a competitive contest.
The underlined word means that the participant has a.....desire to win the contest.
a. strong
b. weak
c. lack
d. poor

4. Yes, it was.
What does the underlined word refers to?
a. news
b. contest
c. speech
d. english

5. Look at the following picture!

The best expression for the boy in the picture is...
a. Congratulation on your graduation!
b. Congratulation on your achievement!
c. Have a wonderful birthday!
d. Have a great journey!

The following dialogue is for question no. 6 to 9.

Salsa : We’re going to celebrate our school aniversary next month.
Bella : You’re right. What do you think if we have a special celebration?
Salsa : What’s on your mind?
Bella : We usually have an art performance. How about if this year we invite boyband to perform at the celebration?
Salsa : I don’t think it’s a nice idea. Inviting boyband may cost much money. I prefer to make different art performance.
Bella : What do you mean?
Salsa : The art performance can be conducted in an orphanage.
Bella : Sounds great. We can entertain the children with music, dances, magic tricks, and much more.
Salsa : Let’s talk about it at the students meeting this week.

6. What are the girls talking about?
a. Special celebration
b. Art performance
c. School aniversary
d. Boyband performance

7. According to Salsa’s suggestion, where should this year art performance be conducted?
a. At school
b. At hall
c. In classroom
d. In an orphanage

8. Which one is the expression of disagreement in the dialogue above?
a. I don’t think it’s a nice idea.
b. What’s on your mind?
c. Sounds great.
d. What do you mean?

9. Which one is the expression of agreement in the dialogue above?
a. I don’t think it’s a nice idea.
b. What’s on your mind?
c. Sounds great.
d. What do you mean?

The following text is for question no. 10 to 13.

10. From the label, we know that the product...
a. can help to relieve headache
b. contains herbal ingredients
c. can be used by todler
d. contains no sugar

11. What symptom can’t be relieved by this medicine?
a. Headache
b. Blocked nose
c. Sore throat
d. Cough

12. If symptoms persist, consulst your healthcare professional.
The underlined word means that the our body over in a periode of time.
a. leave
b. stop
c. stay
d. quit

13. What is the purpose of reading the label?
a. To see the use of the medicine
b. To recognize the symptoms of the disease
c. To understand the dosage of the medicine
d. To know the detailed information of the medicine

The following text is for question no. 14 to 16.

14. By reading the label, we know that the product...
a. is blended arabica beans.
b. contains high calcium.
c. is roasted coffee and milk.
d. better serves hot.

15. What is the intention of writting the text?
a. To tell how to enjoy the product.
b. To inform the nutritions of the products.
c. To show the advantages of the product.
d. To share the necessary information of the product.

16. Wherever you go...
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. consumer
b. producer
c. coffe drink
d. coffe blend

The following text is for question no. 17 to 20.

17. The text is useful for someone who wants to...
a. learn cooking
b. retell a story
c. research about satay
d. describe shrimp satay

18. The text mostly tells the readers about...
a. the ingredients to make shrimp satay.
b. how to make delicious food.
c. how to make shrimp satay.
d. the steps of boiling shrimps.

19. Why is it suggested that we use lime juice in the recipe?
a. To reduce the smell of the onions.
b. To give red color of the shrimps.
c. To make the shrimps more tasty.
d. To add the sauce of the dish.

20. When they are done,... (Step 1)
The underlined word refers to...
a. the pan
b. the salt
c. the pepper
d. the shrimps

B. Uraian (Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat!)

21. Your classmate becomes the winner of the storytelling contest in your class. He will represent the class for the storytelling competition of your school. What do you say to congratulate and give him a wish?
Jawab : Congratulation Beni.
I hope you become the winner of the school’s competition. 
(acording to teacher’s evaluation)

22. Look at the food label below and answer the questions!

a. What is the writer’s intention in writting the text?
b. “Low fat breakfast cereals contains mango pieces, walnut and royal jelly”

Jawab :
a. To give the detailed information about Breakfast Cereals.
b. includes

23. The underlined word has the closest meaning with....

How to Upload a Video to YouTube from Your Mobile:
1. Open your video.
2. Press the Share button.
3. Select YouTube from the Share menu.
4. Give it a title.
5. Describe the video.
6. Tag the video.
7. Select your privacy settings.
8. Click the Upload or Publish button.

a. What is the benefit of reading the text?
b. Open your video.
The underlined word refers to ...

Jawab : 
a. To know the way how to upload video to YouTube from our mobile.
b. the reader

24. Change the verb in the brackets into the correct form of Past Continuous or Simple Past!
I ... (do) my homework when my dad ... (get) home arround 4 pm.
Jawab :
a. was doing
b. got

50. Arrange these sentences in to a good procedure!
a. Pour the milk tea into the serving cup.
b. Mix the jasmine tea with hot water in a stainless glass. Stir it until the colour turns into black.
c. The pulled tea is ready to serve.
d. Prepare an empty stainless glass and pour the milk tea by using pulling movement. Do this steps several times until the milk tea produces foam.
e. Pour sweet liquid into it and stir again.

Jawab : b – e – d – a – c

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