Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris 2021/2022

Soal PAS/UAS Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 - Semester Gasal Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022 sebentar lagi akan berakhir, untuk itu warga Satuan Pendidikan akan melaksanakan evaluasi terakhir untuk Peserta Didik yaitu melaksanakan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Gasal, atau Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) Gasal.

Untuk itu, akan membagikan 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban. Soal ini bisa dijadikan referensi belajar tambahan bagi Peserta Didik kelas 11 yang akan menambah wawasan / pengetahuan tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Serta bisa digunakan oleh Bapak / Ibu guru dalam menyusun Soal dan Kunci PAS Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris .

Naskah Soal & Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

The dialog is for number 1 - 3.
Girl : Why are you looking sad?
Boy : I am poor at physic. I want to attend a course or study group, but I don’t have time. Any suggestios?
Girl : You’d better download learning applications related to physics. You can open them anytime you want.
Boy : That’s a good idea. Do you know recommended applications?
Girl : Look at mine! They are really good, aren’t they?
Boy : Yes, I think so. No wonder, you are good at physics.
Girl : Thanks.

1. What is the boy’s problem?
A. The boy is poor
B. The girl is smarter than the boy
C. The boy doesn’t have time to attend physic course
D. The boy is poor so he can’t pay for a physic course
E. The boy doesn’t have phone so he can’t download the application

2. How could the girl be good at physics?
A. She studies by herself
B. She goes to study group
C. She attend physics course
D. She studies physics by application
E. She studies how to download the application related to physics.

3. Based on the dialog, which one is the expression of giving suggestion?
A. You’d better download learning applications related to physics.
B. Do you know recommended applications?
C. They are really good, aren’t they?
D. Any suggestion?
E. Yes, I think so.

The dialog is for number 4-5.
Erick : I think we should make different events to celebrate the Independence Day.
Andy : I think so. What is your idea?
Erick : Besides holding several competitions as usual, what if we hold a carnival and arts performances?
Andy : That’s great!
Erick : Let’s discuss it in the next meeting!
Andy : I agree.

4. What is Erick’s opinion about celebrating Independence Day?
A. Make same event
B. Do not make different events
C. Hold several competition as usual
D. Make a carnival and traditional competition
E. Make different events such as carnival and arts performance

5. Does Andy agree with Erick’s opinion?
A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, he did.
C. Yes, he does
D. No, he didn’t.
E. No, he doesn’t.

The text is for number 6-10.

From :
Mr. Danang Hendrawan
Marketing Manager
PT. Muda Karya
Jl. Anggrek no.56 Kupang

To :
Mrs. Ria Amelia
Marketing Manager
PT. Growth Auto
Jl. Rajawali no.28 Mataram

24th January 2020

Dear Madam,
It is an honor for us to have a privilege to invite you at The Grand Opening of Hybrid Car Exhibition on Thursday, 7th February 2020. The timing for the grand opening of the exhibition is at 8 a.m. the venue of the exhibition is at Kupang Exhibition Centre. The grand opening ceremony will be attended by marketing managers of car industry in Indonesia.
The exhibition will surely benefit our companies who have good cooperation in the field.
We will be pleased to see your presence in the exhibition. Please inform your attendance before 5th February 2019. Thank you for your attention.

Your faithfully,
Danang Hendrawan.

6. Where will the grand opening be held?
A. At Mataram
B. At Jl. Anggrek no.
C. At PT Muda Karya
D. At Kupang Exhibition Centre
E. 56At Mataram Exhibition centre

7. Who will attend the grand opening ceremony?
A. All hybrid car lovers
B. All the managers of PT Growth Auto
C. All the marketing managers in Indonesia
D. All the PT Muda Karya marketing managers
E. All the marketing managers of car industry in Indonesia

8. Why does the sender write the letter?
A. To inform the schedule
B. To offer business cooperation
C. To introduce the new products
D. To ask a person to attend an event
E. To welcome a person in an exhibition

9. What should the reader do after receiving the letter?
A. Inform her product
B. Confirm her attendance
C. Come to PT Muda Karya
D. Hold the same exhibition
E. Agree with the cooperation

10. “The exhibition will surely benefit our companies …” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is the most closely associated to...
A. Definitely
B. Regularly
C. Extremely
D. Doubtfully
E. Unfortunately

The text is for number 11-14.
Why exercise is important
The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.
Being physically active offers many advantages. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality and expectancy.
How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.
Overall, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.

11. Why do people have no time to do exercise?
A. They are not sick.
B. They all are healthy.
C. They are busy to do that.
D. They don’t need exercise.
E. They don’t want to do that.

12. The following statements are the advantages of exercise, except...
A. To reduce weight
B. To improving sleep patterns
C. To reduce risk of heart disease
D. To make us beautiful and handsome
E. To make us feel fresh

13. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. The advantages of exercise.
B. How to use stairs at the office.
C. Doing exercise in the leisure time.
D. How to do exercise while we are shopping.
E. Simple ways to do exercise while we are busy.

14. What can we do for exercise while we are busy?
A. Eating all kinds of food
B. Walking while shopping
C. Going for shopping by car
D. Using lift to run up and down
E. Sleeping all the time in leisure time

The dialog is for number 15-17.
Maya : Do you know Radit?
Tami : Radit? Our classmate?
Maya : Yes, you know what? I saw him smoke while he was riding his motorbike.
Tami : That’s awful. So, what did you do to him?
Maya : I told him to stop and I asked him to throw the cigarette. He was angry but I didn’t care. What do you think about that?
Tami : I absolutely agree with you. I think I will do the same. Smoke in public places is really bad habit. And it should be banned.

15. From the dialog above we know that...
A. Smoke in public places is a habit.
B. According to Maya, Radit is a bad boy.
C. Tami thinks that Radit is a chain smoker.
D. Maya absolutely agree with Tami’s opinion.
E. Tami thinks that smoke in public places should be banned.

16. What will Tami do if she finds people who smoke in public places?
A. She will ask them to stop smoking.
B. She will let them smoke on the street.
C. She will banned smoking in public places.
D. She will do the same as Radit does to Maya.
E. She will not do the same as Maya did to Radit.

17. Where did Maya find Radit smoking?
A. In the cafe
B. In his house
C. On the road
D. At the school
E. In the restaurant

The text is for number 18-20.
Nowadays, many people live in flats or houses with high fence for safety purposes. Several of them do not know their neighbours although they live close for years. Knowing our neighbours and having good relationship with them really give us great benefit.
First, we will have peaceful living and safety first. We will be more peaceful to live among neighbours who respect each other. Moreover, good neighbours watch out each others. Living in a proactive neighbourhood can increase your family’s safety which can avoid criminal activity and promote safer area.
Second, having good relationship with neighbours also creates social circle. It can create wonderful friendships even we can feel that they are our closest family. They will be the first people who help you when you are in the worst condition.
Third, your neighbourhood connection can give benefit for your career. They can promote your business. They may find the contacts you need for your business.
Based on the reasons above, it can be concluded that having good relationship with neighbours really give benefit for us. They can give peaceful and safety living. They can also create social circle. Furthermore, they can support your business.

18. What is the text about?
A. The good impact of living in apartment.
B. The influence of neighbourhood to our lives.
C. The benefits of building high fences at house.
D. The importance of having business in the neighbourhood.
E. The advantages of having good relationship with neighbours.

19. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. Neighbours give us safety.
B. Neighbours influence our careers.
C. Neighbours promote our business.
D. Neighbours create good social life.
E. Neighbours can be our best friends.

20. “...your family’s safety which can avoid criminal activity...” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be replaced with...
A. Lead
B. Harm
C. Ignore
D. Prevent
E. Destroy

The dialog is for number 21&22.
Yeri : Hi, what happened with that face? You look so sad.
Yuna : You know I like NCT Dream so much. They’ve just released their new album. I don’t know how I can get the album. Do you have any idea?
Yeri : Why don’t you buy it at online shop? I know the recommended shop to buy all the K-pop stuffs.
Yuna : Oh thank you. You’re the best.

21. The underlined statement in the dialog is the expression of...
A. Offering help.
B. Giving suggestion
C. Asking for opinion.
D. Offering something.
E. Asking for suggestion.

22. According to the dialog, we can conclude that...
A. Yeri is suggesing Yuna to buy album at recommended online shop.
B. Yeri asked Yuna to buy album.
C. Yuna asked Yeri to buy her NCT Dream album.
D. Yuna will give album to Yeri.
E. Yeri will go to NCT Dream concert.

The text is for number 23-27.
To : Mrs. Asri Diana
Production Manager of PT Indah Jaya
Jl. Musi No. 37

8th October 2020

Dear Mrs. Asri,
We would love to invite you to participate in the inauguration of our institution as the best tutoring institution in Indonesia. This shows that our hard work supported by your sincerity in providing our main lesson books and other programs has paid off.
We will hold this activity:
Venue : Bimbingan Belajar Anak Cerdas. Jl. Pelajar No.9
Day/date: Tuesday, 12th October 2020
Time : 4 p.m
It is an honor for us if you can attend this inauguration. We are expecting more productive transaction with you.

Dimas Putranto
General Supervisor
Regrets only: Dea 0801232145678

23. “...if you can attend this inauguration.”
These following words and phrases have similar meaning with the underlined word, except...
A. Join
B. Come in
C. Take part
D. Be absent at
E. Be present at

24. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Asking Mrs. Asri to come to the party.
B. Inviting Mr. Dimas to attend the inauguration.
C. Inviting Mrs. Asri to attend the inauguration
D. Inviting Mrs. Asri to come to the graduation party.
E. Telling Mrs. Asri that ther is an inauguration party at 4 p.m.

25. Where does the inauguration will be held?
A. At 4 p.m
B. At Jl. Musi No.37
C. At Mrs. Asri’s office.
D. At PT. Indah Jaya building.
E. At Bimbingan Belajar Anak Cerdas

26. From the text, we know that PT. Indah Jaya...
A. Provides lesson books.
B. Is Mrs.Asri’s company.
C. Sells books for kids and stationary.
D. Buys lesson books from Anak Cerdas.
E. Provides everything for Bimbingan Belajar Anak Cerdas.

27. “We are expecting more productive transaction with you.” The sentence implies that...
A. Mrs. Asri is expected to buy Anak Cerdas products.
B. Dimas Putranto invites Mrs. Asri to work together.
C. Mrs. Asri and Anak Cerdas have a business agreement.
D. Mrs. Asri expects to propose a programme for Anak Cerdas.
E. Dimas Putranto asks Mrs. Asri to teach in Anak Cerdas.

28. Danny : Is there any problem with your laptop?
Shasa : Yes, it suddenly turned off several times. Now, I cannot turn it on.
Danny : ...
What is the best expression of offering to fill the blanks?
A. Would you like to help me?
B. Do you mind if I help you throw this?
C. If you don’t mind, I will borrow your laptop.
D. Why don’t you bring this laptop to the repair shop?
E. Would you like me to check your laptop? May be I can fix it.

The text is for number 29-33.
Alia : I have just read about fires in Amazon. That’s terrible.
Brie : Yes, you’re right. What is your opinion about that?
Alia : I think it is serious problem. Not only Brazil, but also for the world.
Brie : Why do you think so?
Alia : Because Amazon is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It is also a massive reservoir of carbon, and it is home to the largest concentration of a biodiversity on the planet.
Brie : Oh I see, now. It means if most of the forest are lost, the ecosystem as a whole could collapse. That’s tragic.
Alia : And do you know the reason why it is happened?
Brie : No, What is that?
Alia : Deforestation. And one of the biggest drivers of deforestation is cattle ranching in Brazil. Brazil is the world’s largest beef exporter.
Brie : How can you relate beef exporter and deforestation?
Alia : Brazil is the second-largest producer of soybean, and 80 percent of the soy grown in the Amazon is used for animal feed. So, this industry play significant role of deforestation.
Brie : Do you think it can affect our lives?
Alia : I think it can affect our lives, although we live far away from Amazon. We live on the same planet, don’t we?
Brie : Yeah, I think so.

29. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Ecosystem
B. Rainforest
C. Deforestation
D. Fires in Amazon
E. Problem in Brazil

30. Which expression shows asking opinion?
A. Oh I see, now.
B. Why do you think so?
C. I think it is serious problem.
D. What is your opinion about that?
E. How can you relate beef exporter and deforestation?

31. Why does Alia think that fires in Amazon are a serious problem?
A. Because Amazon is in Brazil.
B. Because Brazil is the largest beef exporter.
C. Because Amazon is become field of soybean.
D. Because the driver of deforestation is cattle ranching in Brazil.
E. Because Amazon is the largest rainforest and largest place of a biodiversity on the planet.

32. “And one of the biggest drivers of deforestation is cattle ranching...”. The underlined phrase could be replaced with...
A. Zoo
B. Factory
C. Industry
D. Paddy field
E. Animal farm

33. “I think it can affect our lives, although we live far away from Amazon. We live on the same planet, don’t we?”
These statements imply that...
A. We live near the Amazon.
B. Amazon is on the earth planet.
C. We live on the same planet.
D. We don’t need to be worry because Amazon is so far.
E. All of us can feel the effects of the disaster, since we live on the same planet.

The text is for number 34-37.
There is no best way to deal with pest in agriculture. Combining different management operation is the most effective way to control pests.
Firstly, the chemicals in pesticides may build up as residues in the environment. This reduces the quality of farm products.
As well, pests can become resistant to pesticides gradually. This means that newer and stronger one has to be developed.
Some pesticides affect non target animals such as fish and bees. This affects the natural balance.
To wipe out agricultural pests completely may be very expensive. Sometimes pest damage cost less than the method of control.
Finally, understanding the ecology of the area helps a lot in pest control. Natural enemies can be used to control a pest. Pesticides that do not affect the natural enemies should be chosen.

34. Why do the pesticides can affect the natural balance?
A. Because pesticides reduce the quality of farm product.
B. Because it build up as residues in the environment.
C. Because pest can gradually resistant to pesticides.
D. Because wipe out agriculture pests completely may be very expensive.
E. Because some of the pesticides affect non target animals such as fish and bees.

35. How can the pesticides reduce the quality of farm products?
A. Some pesticides affect the farm growth.
B. The pesticides can affect non target animal.
C. It can make the pest resistant to the pesticides.
D. The chemical in pesticides affect the amount of the farm product. So it can reduce the profits of the farmer.
E. The chemicals in pesticides may build up as residues in the environment, so it affects the quality of the farm product.

36. “To wipe out agriculture pests....”
The underlined words have the similar meaning with...
A. Lose
B. Omit
C. Sweep
D. Take off
E. Wash out

37. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Describe the pesticides in agriculture.
B. Suggesting the using of pesticides to avoid the pests.
C. Explaining the benefit of pesticides to the reader.
D. To persuade the readers using the best pesticides.
E. Presenting the writer’s opinion about the best way to deal with pests in agriculture.

38. Your grandmother is looking for her eye glasses. She forgot where she put her eye glasses.
The best offer for that situation is...
A. Grandma, you must be so sad.
B. Grandma, let’s buy the new one.
C. Grandma, why don’t you sit and ask me to help you?
D. Grandma, would you like me to help you find your eye glasses?
E. Grandma, I want to help you, but now I’m too busy.

39. A : I have difficulty about this biology question?
B : .....
What is the best suggestion to complete the dialog?
A. You should take a rest.
B. Why don’t you open the dictionary?
C. You should stay strong and face your problem.
D. You should study harder. You are not good at Biology.
E. Why don’t you ask our Biology teacher? She will help you.

The text is for number 40
Hannah : You look so pale. Are you getting sick?
Bella : Yes, my stomach is unwell. I think it’s because I ate spicy food this morning.
Hannah : You shouldn’t eat spicy food in the morning. Do you need something to drink?
Bella : Can you give me a cup of hot tea? I think it will reduce the pain.
Hannah : Ok, wait a minute.

40. What is Hannah suggestion for Bella?
A. Bella should drink hot tea.
B. Bella should go to a doctor.
C. Bella should drink medicine.
D. Bella should not skip eating in the morning.
E. Bella should not eat spicy food in the morning.

Bagi Bapak / Ibu / Adik-Adik yang menginginkan soal diatas, silahkan unduh pada tautan berikut : juga menyediakan soal lainnya, silahkan unduh pada tautan berikut :
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  2. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Sejarah Peminatan Tahun 2021/2022
  3. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Sejarah Indonesia Tahun 2021/2022
  4. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 PPKn Tahun 2021/2022
  5. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 PJOK Tahun 2021/2022
  6. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Matematika Wajib Tahun 2021/2022
  7. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Matematika Peminatan Tahun 2021/2022
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  10. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Ekonomi Tahun 2021/2022
  11. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021/2022
  12. Unduh Soal & Jawaban PAS Semester 1 Kelas 11 Bahasa Indonesia Tahun 2021/2022

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